The 13th International Conference on Beam Measurement (IBIC2024)
Chen Qu
2024-09-16 10:34:37

From September 9 to 13, 2024, the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (IHEP) successfully held the 13th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC 2024) in Beijing, China. IHEP is China’s biggest laboratory for the study of particle physics. BEPCII and CSNS, two large scale facilities are operating, HEPS, a fourth generation light source is under construction in IHEP.
More than 320 experts and scholars from 18 countries and regions around the world attended the conference. Li Yuhui, Deputy Director of the High Energy Institute, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony and introduced the development of accelerators in China.
There were a total of 16 invited presentations, 2 invited review presentations, 18 recommended presentations, and approximately 200 poster displays at this conference, with over 160 articles published. The conference topics include measurement of beam charge and beam current intensity, beam loss and machine protection, beam position detector, transverse section and emissivity measurement, longitudinal diagnosis and synchronization system, feedback system and beam stability, data acquisition and processing platform, machine parameter measurement, and review and operation debugging in nine directions. In addition, the conference has set up student aid awards, which were won by 5 students from Asia, 3 students from Europe, and 1 student from the Americas. The conference received strong support from multiple media outlets including JACoW (The Joint Accelerator Conferences Website), Radiation Detection Technology and Methods (RDTM) journal, Physics World, CERN COURIER, instruments, and 32 domestic and international industry exhibitors.
The IBIC series conferences are held once a year, alternating between countries in Asia, Europe, and the Americas. This conference brings together the world community of experts in instrumentation for particle accelerators, to explore the physics and engineering challenges of beam diagnostics and measurement techniques for charged particle beams.
All properly presented contributions will be edited and published as JACoW Proceedings.
China Star provided the full PCO service for the IBIC2024.